NO shakes, NO crazy exercise plans, NO fad diets, just a fresh healthy food plan and weekly support from Ray Kelly himself. You will be blown away by how easy it is to lose weight and reach your goals on my program!


The usual cost of joining the 10 week program is $660.00. That's $66.00 x 10 weeks. But if you join now I will reduce the total amount to pay over 10 weeks to just $500.00. That's a saving of $160.00 !! This is a limited offer and places are filling quickly so sign up now to reserve your spot in the program at the discounted rate.

(Limited time offer & available places are numbered) 



Ray Kelly

Exercise Physiologist of the Year!

Over 29 years experience in helping people lose weight.

2 winners from 2 attempts on The Biggest Loser.

Accredited Exercise Physiologist.

University degree in Exercise Science, a Masters degree in Teaching, and a Bachelor in Research

Obesity clinics where doctors send their toughest patients, many having medical conditions and physical limitations.

Travels the world attending obesity and chronic disease conferences, discussing the latest findings with the leading obesity researchers.

He has helped literally THOUSANDS of Australian's to lose weight.

And he wants to personally help you lose weight and keep it off.


Naturally, the first two things people ask me is...

Is this program for me?

Will it actually work?

Here is a quick video that explains what the program is about. 



Most people lose between 10 and 20 kilo on my 10 week program. And some even more. Here are just some of the 100s of people that have lost weight on my 10 week program plan.


So, are you worried about being hungry my program ? Are you worried about the cost of the food? Are you concerned about doing the program because you have diabetes or a medical condition? 

 Here is a quick video that explains what types of foods are on my 10 week program, and how we can tailor them to meet your requirements. 



What food do I have to buy?

You are provided with a wide range of fresh foods to choose from as well as very simple recipes that even a teenager would find easy. There are no supplements or added products to buy either. You are shown simple ways of getting beautiful flavours through your foods using natural ingredients. To reduce confusion and improve compliance you are provided with a limited number of recipes in the first week and more are added to the web site every 7 days, along with the weekly changes to your meal plans. 

Are you going to smash me with exercise?

You may already have an exercise program you are happy with, but for those who don’t we have a progressive body weight program that is sent to your mobile phone each week. It starts with just a few exercises and builds in volume for the first few weeks, then increasing in intensity with each weekly update!

But, how will I stay motivated?

Apart from great regular weight loss each week, we'll also be helping you each and every day! Actively making the best decisions with food and exercise on a daily basis is crucial to reaching goal weight. To maintain motivation for the whole 10 weeks, you will receive a short video each morning at 7am directly to your mobile phone!

How much weight will I lose on the 10 week program?

Most people lose between 12-20kg, and some as much as 30kg

Do we take shakes or supplements as part of the program?

NO !! The program is based on you eating only fresh healthy food and following the meal plan. We do not sell you shakes, processed packaged food or any other pre-made meal. We teach you how to lose weight using food you buy yourself. The latest research on obesity and people losing weight, has proven more successful to keep weight off long term if they learn how to control and maintain their diet by eating fresh healthy food. It will blow you away how easy it actually is. And you will lean a lot about the latest facts and research surrounding weight loss along the way. 

So how much does the 10 week program cost Ray?
Before we discuss how much your transformation will cost YOU, I just want to discuss what it's worth and the rebates you may be entitled to.
Firstly, the average cost of a consultation with an experienced Exercise Physiologist or Allied Health professional is $80-$100, but we work to keep the cost of health accessible to everyone. I am often quizzed by business caches why I don't charge much more given my experience, qualifications and results but this isnt all about money to me. People need to pay for my services of course, but it's important that access to the industry leaders is not limited to those on a high income.
Next, you get so much more for your dollar than just our time within your consultation. We provide you with a level of education and support that is second to none! You will recieve our 10 Week Email Video Course which provides you with all the tips and tricks I've picked up over the years. You'll also receive our daily motivational SMS videos sent directly to your phone each morning, so you start each day with a winning attitude!
And rebates?
Our program is covered by private health funds and you may also qualify for Medicare rebates as well!
So the cost?
The regular price for the 11 consultations within the 10 week program is $660 (That's only $60 per consult!). However, if you join right now you only pay $500. That's a saving of $160! (Places are strictly limited and simply sending a request does not mean your place is secured)

But you have private health too? Then you'll get even more back! And still losing 12-20kg or more!
Will there be support?

Many people who are looking to improve their lifestyle have very little support at home. We make sure you have all the support you need by providing a closed Facebook support group where you can chat with others going through similar changes as well as access to our Dietitian and Exercise Physiologist. You also have access to us via email and SMS

How do the weekly weigh-ins and meetings work?

Our program runs for 10 weeks, and each week you will either see me face to face or chat via phone or Skype. In our 10 week program most people will lose between 12-20kg (some people up to 28kg, but that is the average!). You receive a meal plan and exercise program and this is adjusted each week. You will also receive access to my website which will provide you with recipe videos to help with variety. All recipes are designed to be fast to prepare and require minimal cooking skills!

What health conditions are covered within your program as I have several?

Just some of the health conditions we specialise in dealing with include:

• Hypertension (High Blood Pressure)

• Type 2 Diabetes

• PCOS (Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome)

• Sleep Apnea

• COPD (Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease)

• Cardiac Rehabilitation

• Arthritis

• Injury rehabilitation (including Workers Compensation cases)

But if you are relatively healthy otherwise, we can cater for you too of course!

Why choose an exercise physiologist?

An Exercise Physiologist is a university qualified health professional that has met the stringent criteria set by Exercise and Sports Science Australia to receive accreditation. They are qualified in assisting those with complex and advanced health condition get their health back on track and rebates are available from Medicare and private health funds.

Who is Ray Kelly anyway?

About Ray Kelly – BA (Hmn Mvmnt) ESSAM AEP M Teach

Ray Kelly is one of Australia’s leading health professionals, with over 22 years experience in the health and sports industries. He is an Accredited Exercise Physiologist and has a Masters in Teaching.

Within the fitness industry he has had a great deal of success in the area of weight loss. He was employed as a trainer in the first 2 seasons of The Biggest Loser Australia, where he was given 1 contestant each year. He achieved a perfect record with both contestants winning the competition in consecutive years (Adro Sarnelli, 2006; Chris Garling, 2007). Ray also has his own accredited course for personal trainers where they can learn his ‘real-world’ strategies for stripping the weight off clients.

He has also written a book on weight loss, titled “Winners Do What Losers Don’t” (New Holland, 2008), and has a new book out in September 2014 (Full Plate, Less Weight). He has also had input into publications including Good Medicine, Woman’s Day, Slimming and Health, Health Digest, That’s Life, and The Fist.

Ray’s true passion is chronic disease, and he travels the world each year attending the major obesity and chronic disease conferences in a bid to improve his knowledge. Over the years he has made friends with some of the world’s leading researchers and often uses these trips to pick their brain.

Currently Ray has a number of weight loss clinics that focus on improving diabetes and heart disease within his patients. Ray also provides education seminars for doctors, nurses, personal trainers, and other health professionals. He is also the man behind Australia’s leading meal replacement shake, Ray Kelly’s Transform.

Ray’s other passion is sport and he has been involved in athlete development within Institute of Sport programs for World Championship and Olympic competition (preparing athletes for 2 Olympics), and lectured at Level 1 and 2 coaching courses. He has worked with most of Australia’s top professional boxers, including many World Champions (including Anthony Mundine, Daniel Geale, Michael Katsidis, Chris John, Will Tomlinson, and Lenny Zappavigna). He has also worked on Fox8’s boxing reality TV show ‘The Contender’.

Can we add this bio underneath:
Ray Kelly is one of Australia's leading health professionals, with more than 25 years experience health and sport. He is an Accredited Exercise Physiologist, has a Masters in Teaching, and is working on his PhD on Long Term Weight Loss. You might recognize Ray from The Biggest Loser Australia, where he was an external trainer in the first two seasons. The two contestants he trained  both won in consecutive years (Adro Sarnelli, 2006; Chris Garling, 2007). Following the show's success, Ray went on to author Winners Do What Losers Don’t and Full Plate, Less Weight. 
Ray travels the world attending the major obesity and chronic disease conferences and provides education seminars for doctors, nurses, personal trainers, and other health professionals. He has a high level interest in chronic disease and runs a number of weight loss clinics that focus on improving diabetes and heart disease.
Athlete development has been another area of interest for Ray, he has worked within Institute of Sport programs preparing athletes for the World Championships and two Olympics as well as lectured in the Level 1 and 2 coaching courses. Additionally, Ray has worked with Australia's top professional boxers, including World Champions such as Anthony Mundine, Daniel Geale, Michael Katsidis, Chris John, Will Tomlinson, and Lenny Zappavigna. Again, you might have seen him on Fox8's boxing reality TV show The Contender.
Do you record our weight each week?

Yes I keep a record of your weigh-in results each week. You are also required to manually update your own weigh-in results on your personal weight tracking form on the Transform web site. 


Mary's Story

After battling with my weight all of my life (my mother sent me to boarding school when I was 12yrs old to lose weight) and yo-yo dieting all my adult life, I decided to try something different after seeing a friend from Curves lose 9kg with an Exercise Physiologist named Ray Kelly. The first week the results were an amazing 3.7kg. All up I have lost 6.8kg in 4 weeks. The program is quite strict food-wise, but I never felt hungry, ever! I discovered my problem was mainly salt, carbs, and wine. I have now gone from 78.8kg to 72kg, and feel so much happier and healthier. Ray is a very motivated mentor, he is kind and understanding, very enthusiastic, and wants to get results, like yourself. I have been surprised how well this program has worked for me. I have tried many others, without much success.

Kerry's Story

I’m a 67 year old retired male that used to sit down at the job 12 hours per day. I was forced into retirement by illness at 66 years of age and being a sufferer of Angina, Stage 2 diabetic, and Sleep Apnoea as well as 2 arthritic feet and weighing between 115Kg and 117Kg my family doctor referred me to see Ray Kelly, Exercise Physiologist, to assist me in a weight loss programme. I being the optimist I am, went to visit Ray with the belief that if I couldn’t lose weight myself, no one else is going to be able to do it for me. I had difficulty walking without angina pain and arthritic pain in my feet and was terribly short of breath after a short distance. Well after speaking to Ray my attitude was completely reversed. I decided at once to listen to him and change my habits and follow his instructions and eating the diet to the letter I am now in my fifth week and my weight has dropped from 115kg to 103kg and still going down. I can now walk 2 kilometres every day without any pain and I now don’t need to use my Cpap [sleep Apnoea] machine when sleeping. Clothes I have had in my closet for years now fit and I have had to dispose of many items that no longer fit me. I am continuing to attend Ray’s clinic and be guided by him to attain a better goal weight than I originally set for myself. May I conclude by saying that if anyone wishes to become a better healthy person, make your first contact with Ray Kelly.

Linda's Story

I had my first visit with Ray 10 weeks ago. My Doctor advised me to see Ray and I went with great trepidation and embarrassment. I badly lacked confidence and self-esteem being a 63 year old woman weighing 126.8kg and only 155cm tall. I was wearing size 26 clothes and very overwhelmed by the thought of what lay ahead. From the first time I saw Ray he gave me the confidence and self-belief that I could achieve a healthy weight and fitness. At the time of my first visit with Ray I had very limited mobility (arthritis in joints) and had great difficulty doing the most simple of household tasks. Ray even had to do up my shoelaces for me. In the ten weeks with Ray I have lost 21kg (how good is that!) and now walk for at least 1 hour every day. I can do my housework with no difficulty now and can also do up my own shoelaces. From Day 1, Ray’s encouragement and support gave me the confidence and self-belief that I can achieve my goals for a healthy weight and fitness. My goal is to lose at least 46kg. Ray, words can’t express my appreciation for what you have done for me. Your kindness and confidence building is unsurpassed and I know that with your continued help I will achieve and maintain my goals.

Clint's Story

Ray Kelly is amazing. Up until the August 8th 2011, my life was going no where, and I was at the biggest I ever have been sitting on 145kgs. I had my first EPC (Enhanced Primary Care) referral from my Doctor to meet Ray on this day and I can honestly say he has changed my life. I don’t know how he does it but the man oozes confidence, positive energy, and every word he speaks I took on board with the belief that I can turn my life around, and sitting here writing this testimonial I can say I have done that. Within 15 weeks I have gone from not being able to walk for more then 10min on a treadmill to jogging on it for 30mins without a worry in hell. I think that just the way he comes across as a person towards you, with the attitude of being on the level of a person who is obese and not healthy to start with is the most that counts. Like I walked in to meet him the first time and thought to myself, this is just another dietician etc, but no he is a lot more then that. 

Christine's Story

My name is Christine and I am writing this testimonial to say how life changing Ray Kelly’s program is. I started the program on the 8th August 2011, I weighed 149.6kg and at that stage in my life I didn’t care if I didn’t wake up of a morning. I slept in till midday most days and did next to no movement as my joints ached I really was in a dark place as I had tried nearly every weight loss program around and had given up on life. After my first visit with Ray I decided I would at least give his program a try. I struggled to walk the 5 minutes every hour between 9am and 3pm as he asked but did it. I also followed his eating plan which by the way is plenty of fresh food. Now 16 weeks later I have lost a total of 29.1kg and can now walk for 90 minutes non stop. I can now go to the shopping centres and walk around which I used to avoid because of the pain and breathlessness. My doctor has now taken me of Atacand for my blood pressure.I can now have a bath which I was unable to do, I could only shower. I am so grateful to Ray for helping me to turn my life around with his motivation and encouragement. I now look forward to each day and I am a happier,healthier and more confident person now and even though I am only part way through my journey to be where I want to be I know I will get there.

Jim's Story

I am writing to sincerely thank you for introducing me to your wonderful program. I have tried many diets and fads during my adult life, with fleeting results, all ending with my putting the weight back on. In September, I was diagnosed with renal cancer – a very large tumour was found in my left kidney. I also had other health issues, as a result of being overweight. High blood pressure, high cholesterol, impaired fasting glucose and inability or lack of motivation to exercise. After surgery, my GP and my renal specialist both stressed the necessity to lose weight and get moving, otherwise the consequences would eventually be dialysis, resulting in a much shorter life span. My GP referred me to you, as she had had other patients who had achieved great success after being introduced to your program. From my very first visit, I have been very motivated and inspired by you. I have been overwhelmed by the life changing experience. As a result of my change of diet and exercise, and within a short period of time, I have lost considerable weight, resulting in my blood pressure, my cholesterol and my insulin levels now considered in the acceptable or normal range. I now feel very encouraged and enthusiastic in continuing with your healthy lifestyle program. I have more kilos to lose, and am very confident that I can achieve my goal weight. Your program has enabled me to take control and I have no doubt that I will maintain my new lifestyle changes for the rest of my years.

Mark's Story

In early December, I was diagnosed with severe sleep apnea. Procedures were set in place to help with this condition, and one of the recommendations was that I needed to lose weight to assist my breathing while sleeping and to reduce the risk of other medical conditions. I was referred to Ray Kelly by my doctor and I first saw him on December 11. Whilst I knew I had put on weight, I truly had not realised how big I had become. It was obvious I had to make some serious lifestyle changes. The mask I wore at night for sleep apnea helped me get better rest, and thus have some more energy during the day. However, Ray Kelly put me on the right track regarding diet and exercise, what not to eat or snack on, but still having wholesome meals and occasional snacks. Christmas and all the festivities were going to be a test – but by this time, I was already losing weight and feeling better, so it really wasn’t difficult to mainly stick to my program. It took willpower, but the incentive was greater than the temptation to lapse back. I have got my old energy levels back, I no longer have “nanna naps”, I feel fitter – and I’ve lost 21 kilos in 6 weeks! The only downside is I keep having to buy new trousers! 

Drew's Story

If you are overweight and have been struggling to lose weight and be healthier, don’t despair! I had given up trying to lose weight and couldn’t see the light at the end of the tunnel. In fact, I couldn’t even see the tunnel, let alone the light at the end! My doctor referred me to Ray Kelly, and since then not only have I lost weight, but my whole attitude to eating has changed. Ray is a unique man, with the ability to instill confidence in you and motivate you. Ray’s outlook and attitude are contagious. When I left Ray’s office I had total belief in myself and knew that if I simply stayed on Ray’s program I would lose weight. Success was inevitable because Ray had ‘shown me the way’ and believed in me. Thank you Ray for giving me my life back. I have lost 17kg in 5 weeks and I am almost half way to my goal weight. I know that I am certain to both reach and maintain a healthier weight. I feel physically and emotionally great and recommend Ray’s program to anyone and everyone! Go see Ray if you want to lose weight. If you do, the next testimonial you read here could be your own.

Ian's Story
I am 56 years old and I have had Type 2 Diabetes for about 12 years. This was a real concern for myself and my family as wasn’t sure I could keep my HR driving licence due to restrictions on diabetes and driving. I weighed in at 126kgs the first time I saw the diabetes specialist. I had tried a few times to lose weight by diet and exercise but it seemed way too hard and I gave up after very little success on the scales. I learned  of Ray Kelly and his program through a good friend of mine who I had discussed my health concerns and future with and he told me how passionate Ray was about helping people and how successful and qualified he was. When I first went to a consultation with Ray I was about 120kg. The small weight drop was due to new medication. Ray spoke to me about my concerns and I started his program and to my delight I lost about 6kg in the first week! This was a great motivator as I always had trouble walking too far due to a severe lower leg injury I suffered at age 19 so I had not walked much at all in that early stage. When I first went to Ray Kelly I was on 10mg blood pressure tablets, 2 Diabex tablets for diabetes, 1 Asprin tablet daily plus I had sleep apnoea and needed a machine to breathe when I slept at night! Well I am very happy to say that I no longer require the sleep ap machine, aspirin gone, diabex has been reduced and quite possibly gone after next doctor appointment. Normal sugar levels! My doctor says I have NO MORE DIABETES. I would strongly recommend Ray Kelly's program to anybody who is struggling with weight or health problems. 

 Lisa's Story
I am a nearly 42 year old mum with PCOS. So I will never lose weight.. age and genetics are against me. I have tried everything and nothing has worked. I hate going out, hate having my photo taken, hate catching myself in the mirror. I self criticise  and make fun of my weight before someone else does…. All of these things and thoughts consumed me, so when I saw the email about the Ray Kelly program my first thought as always is yes I will try that because I am desperate and I always think the next thing will be the thing that works. But then I thought do I really want to spend more money on another failed attempt? I can’t say what it was that made me take that last leap of faith but I did.. and I will never look back! Almost everything you read about PCOS is about how difficult it is to lose weight, coupled with my age and that fact I work in an office almost gave me an excuse to be fat. Signing up for the Ray Kelly transform program literally changed my life. I lost 3 kilos in the first week, then continued losing just over a kilo a week. People started commenting on my weight loss just 3 weeks in. But nothing meant more to me then when my husband told me how proud he was of me and my commitment to the changes i was making. He started following the program as well and started seeing quick results too. Week 8 was my stumbling block – a planned food and wine trip away for my anniversary, I put 3 kilos on!! But I look at it as a positive as it reminded me that my body type does put weight on that quick but that I now have the tools to get back on track! And I did! Within a week of coming back and using Ray’s advice and tools I lost the 3 kilos. In total I lost 10.3kg in 10 weeks. If you had told me I could lose even 5kg on the program I would have thought that was impossible. From the bottom of my heart, thank you Ray for supporting me with this life changing program.

Phill's Story

I am 47 years old, and I have always had a weight problem. I used to think it was just me, just the way I was born, just the way it is. I had watched what I ate over the years to a degree. Even lost a little bit of weight here and there. But then it would just stop, gain a kilo here, lose another there. The scales were like a yo-yo, but slowly ever increasing upwards and onwards. Life changed dramatically for me in March 2015 when I ended a 21 year marriage, emotionally and physically. I was quickly into another relationship and didn’t really care on the surface what was happening, though on the inside I cared very much at what was inevitably happening. I could feel the kilos mounting fast. I knew I had to get back to basics. I had to do it right. I had to do it NOW!!! I had heard about Ray and his outstanding team and thought, “well you might as well give it a go Phill” May I say I am very glad I did. I started a 10 week program with Ray Kelly Fitness and I am absolutely astounded by the results. Here I am at the half way point, 5 weeks in with a total loss so far of 13kgs and still going. I simply can not speak high enough about Ray, his knowledge, his recipes with beautiful fresh food and of course his results which directly flow on to the user. All the foods I have eaten on this program are delicious, healthy and are ultimately repairing me physically, mentally and giving me a greater longevity of life to enjoy with my beautiful daughter. I implore anyone who reads this to give it a try. I guarantee you will not be disappointed.


Jenny's Story

My name is Jenny.  I am 61 years old and I was diagnosed with Type 2 Diabetes approx. 20 years ago. At the time of the diagnosis I maintained a health weight for several years, however over the last 10 years my weight increased  to approx. 150 kg and my blood sugar levels increased to the point where my doctor told me that I would be looking at having to use Insulin if I did not do something to stabilise my blood sugar levels.  That was a wake up call I needed. My Diabetic Educator introduced me to Ray Kelly Fitness, and my journey to  healthy eating began in 2015.  I dropped weight rapidly on the eating plan, but as well as losing the weight to reduce my blood sugar levels I regained my life. Initially I couldn’t walk to the corner of our road without my hips and knees aching. I am now able to exercise, walking daily with my husband and 2 Labradors, go to the beach, do Reformer Pilates, aqua aerobics, my joints don’t hurt and I can put on my shoes and socks with ease! The simple things people take for granted. Apart from that my doctor is pleased with my progress, I have reduced my medication for both the diabetes as well as blood pressure medication. I very quickly dropped 50 kilos in weight, and over the last year I have maintained that weight and sit at approx. 96 kilos.  I still hope to lose more weight.  Many thanks to Kent and Ray Kelly Fitness, your encouragement and optimism for my success have helped me every step of the way!

Jay's Story
I had the pleasure of meeting Ray via the open invitation information session on dieting and nutrition via the "box n burn" crew at Glendenning......and what a blessing its turned out to be. After my initial consultation with Ray and realising that theres a difference to eating healthily and eating to lose weight, I haven't looked back. Being a chronic Chrones Disease sufferer for most of my life, combined with numerous bowel complications and operations. Ray took all of this into consideration when putting my meal plan together, which in turn made a huge difference knowing that someone actually cared about my own individual situation and limitations which gave me the confidence and belief in myself to reach my goals. His knowledge and constant daily support (and even the odd 11pm text message with me freaking out about a particular food etc) is second to none!! There are two main reasons why I am writing this testimonial and endorsing Ray Kelly wholeheartedly. The first, simply, is Rays personality. He is always understanding and non-judgmental with a no bullshit attitude! Which totally resonated with me and was something I needed instead of enabling me to play the victim like I had for many years. When you have Ray on your side, you literally have your own personal mentor and you feel like you are on the winning team. Second, when you have Ray, you have science. His knowledge in all foods and its chemistry is a cut above the rest. For Ray, addressing nutritional solutions for individual needs (such as cholesterol, weight loss, high blood pressure, blood sugar levels, and in my case Chrones Disease) is a challenge he loves to tackle. I initially weighed in at the beginning of my 10 week box n burn course at 129kgs. 10 weeks later and still currently following his meal plan I'm weighing in at 109kgs and still dropping by the week. (20kgs to date) Its been a life changing experience and I cannot thank Ray enough.


Make a life changing decision now and join our 10 week program.

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